Tuesday, October 20, 2009

... and then the wind blew

Imagine being less than a year old and feeling the wind on your face for the first time. This is what it feels like. And imagine being so early into this life that you intrinsically feel grateful for it - he couldn't tell me he felt that way, but I could tell. Even though he is too young to understand the concept of God, it was as if he intrinsically knows that He exists. And it seemed like he was throwing up a sweet little thank you to that wonderful being who made something as wonderful as wind.


emgray said...

So sweet! Great snap shot too.

Suzanne said...

I think babies remember being with God...

What a sweet post.

jen_piccotti said...

You captured that moment so beautifully! I remember that moment with Edie. I remember being struck by it. I'm going to think about this and smile all day.