My wonderful friend Jen just sent me some pictures of the trip we took a few weeks ago to Twain Harte - little did I know it would be my last trip before being imprisoned by my placenta. We had a blast - her son and mine get along REALLY well. We very rarely have to interfere on the "we don't hit our friends" and the "we always share our toys" levels, which, as you moms know, is VERY nice. The husbands get along very well too - both love cooking things over and/or in fire, and there was a lot of that going on. This left Jen and I, along with the delightful "baby Elle" to do girl things, like NOT cooking things over fire, and going to my favorite fabric store of all time, the Twain Harte drug store.

A great trip with great friends and a bit of adventure sprinkled in. Shortly after that first picture was taken poor little Moses fell into the river (in 37 degree weather, which, for us Californians, is REALLY cold) and of course, there were no clothes to change him into. Jen and I managed to jerry-rig up a new outfit out of diapers, dirty socks, plastic bags, and a tiny pair of pants Brett purchased at a local fishing shop, but the entire thing left Moses saying "I don't like to do that adventure, Mom."
Thanks for the pictures, Jen, and I think I still have your socks! :)
1 comment:
Of course I'm biased, but what a hilarious post! :) And yes, for all you crafty types, you'll have to add the Twain Harte drug store to your wish list of places to visit in America...
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