Thursday, October 14, 2010


Last weekend I received (by train, no less) 6 boxes of fabric, sewing supplies, and yarn from my grandma in Montana. Wow - talk about Christmas coming early! It has been so fun going through all this stuff. She threw in a few of her own unfinished projects, and I am constantly amazed by her craftsmanship. Of course, it made me a bit sad as well. I know that the main reason she is sending me these wonderful things is because her arthritis and bad eye sight make it impossible for her to knit or sew any more. I love her so much and have so many fond memories of learning knitting tricks from her, or watching her cross stitch. Pretty much everything in her house was made by her - from the braided rug we used to play on, to the curtains and dried flower wreaths on the walls. She put a lot of herself and her love of beautifully hand-made things into me, and it makes me sad to think of her being unable to create and of one day losing her.

I'm happy to have these fabrics - I've spent the entire week trying to absorb all the goods into my already strained crafting storage space. Some things I've given away to fellow sewers and knitters, and I'm actually selling some of the vintage fabrics - go check it out if you are in the market for some rare fabric that smells like cloves and lavender. I'm hoping list a bit more over the next few days - the pile of fabric in the middle of the living room is quickly losing its novelty...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that these arrived by train. What I love even more, though, is that you did learn and absorb so much of your Grandma's craft. She's such a wonderful and talented woman.