Sunday, November 27, 2011


What a lovely end-of-November afternoon! It is so warm and sunny outside, and the boys are having such fun "killing bad guys" outside that I've even decided to let Titus skip his nap. Brett is keeping an eye on them while he brews up another batch of beer, and I am enjoying some time inside (with the windows wide open) pursuing some less testosterone-driven activities: making Christmas banners. In pink, no less! They are slowly making their way into the shop...

This has been the most relaxing Thanksgiving weekend ever. Lots of naps, absolutely no piling into the car to drive anywhere, gorgeous weather, tons of great food (of course), time in the garden, and lots of sewing time. Ah... exactly what I needed. I believe it is the sign of a great break when you start feeling ready to get back to the daily grind, and I am feeling just that. I hope you had a wonderful long weekend too!

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