Thursday, February 4, 2010


Over the Christmas holiday our neighbors fired up their enormous wood-burning kiln and invited everyone they know to their amazing workshop to make pottery. Brett, who took a ceramics class in high school and really loved it, tried his hand at the wheel after all these long years. And guess what? He made some stuff for me!

Here is the small vase he made. It is so amazing how each piece turns out completely differently because of the minerals in the burning wood.
And here is my small bowl. After Brett made it our neighbor Izzy glazed it and it turned out so cool - I love how she let that thick layer of glaze drip down and left the rest unglazed. I guess this particular type of clay turns this lovely orange color during firing when left unglazed.

The inside of the bowl turned the most beautiful shade of turquoise. It is incredible! This little bowl is exactly what I needed to keep my favorite earrings in (courtesy of Amii at Satin Corset) - normally they are scattered all over the top of the dresser. Aren't hand-made gifts the best? Thanks Brettie!


Kate said...

You really live in a wonderful little gem of an area for being the bay area!! (Great job Brett!)

Jen Mc. said...

Ah, these are great!! Now that we're all inspired maybe you could do a post giving us less artistic people some ideas for what to make our sweeties... :)